Digging Deep

I’ve been dealing with a bit of frustration and disappointment over the last week or so, and as a result, my work-out routine as well as my blog writing has been inconsistent and out-of-sorts. I actually convinced myself that I didn’t actually need to work-out, which hasn’t really happened in months. Lucikly, it only lasted […]

Day 70–Reflection

Today marks day 70 of my 90 day project, and I never could have predicted the influence this blog and writing would have on my life in just the last couple of months. I got behind while I was in Indianapolis for my big conference, but I backdated some posts and realized that today marks […]


This is how all Mondays should begin, but especially the one after my professional conferences! This from one of my the PhD students who graduated in the fall. Very cool!

Travel Day

Today I traveled to Indy for two big conferences for work. Hoping to blog over the next couple of days, but if not, I will resume upon my return. I know I will learn from some smart friends and colleagues over the next 4 days, and I will be mentally and physically exhausted. I will […]

Hospira’s Commitment

Hospira’s Commitment.  So this is Shane’s company. It shows the important work he does to make sure safe, quality products leave the plant everyday. If you’re in the hospital and getting an IV of something, chances are it’s probably made in Rocky Mount, NC.


So a couple of weeks ago, I used the metaphor treading water to describe that particular week. I’m quite familiar with treading water, so that made sense. This week I felt like I was constantly juggling lots of different balls. To focus my full attention on one ball meant they would all fall down around […]


  It is certainly starting to feel like that time of the semester when #allthethings are piling up. Not sure where February is going.

Treading Water & Creating Memories

I swam competitively as a child (until I got my driver’s license at 15), and I am pretty sure I could break records for treading water. It’s a metaphor I use often during weeks when there’s lots to accomplish and extenuating circumstances wreak havoc on “getting shit done”. But I remind myself that sometimes you […]

A Partnership

Two years ago today Shane started a new job as VP of Quality Operations at a pharma company in Rocky Mount, NC. I thought he began in February, but I was reminded through his fb statis that today was his two year anniversary. He wasn’t looking for a new position, but a recruiter called, and […]