Birthday Gratitude

People have asked if I will keep the blog after today, and the answer is yes! It will get a new name, and I won’t likely post everyday, but more on that transition later this week. I plan to use it much as I have these last 3 months in reflecting on and learning from […]

Extroverts & Introverts

In case you were wondering, I’m an extrovert, and every time I look around, there’s an article about how to care for introverts or extroverts or signs you’re one or the other. The following are just two examples. An Open Letter from Introverts. 7 Things Extroverts Want You To Know The following care guides have […]

Feelings & Emotions

I find it easier to deal with things going on in my life if I can identify how I am feeling about that. I think this represents living rather than going through the motions. I have had very specific reactions to certain feelings, but I’ve learned that if I stop to think and reflect in […]

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dad’s birthday. Without a doubt, my curiosity, love of research/reading, and dependability come from him. There’s also the procrastination, but I think we’ve both gotten better with age. 😉 Happy Birthday Dad! Thanks for everything!    


This is much, much, easier said than done, but deliberate breathing always helps. 🙂 “You don’t always need a plan sometimes you just need to breath, trust, let go, and see what happens”

Day 70–Reflection

Today marks day 70 of my 90 day project, and I never could have predicted the influence this blog and writing would have on my life in just the last couple of months. I got behind while I was in Indianapolis for my big conference, but I backdated some posts and realized that today marks […]


This is how all Mondays should begin, but especially the one after my professional conferences! This from one of my the PhD students who graduated in the fall. Very cool!

Travel Day

Today I traveled to Indy for two big conferences for work. Hoping to blog over the next couple of days, but if not, I will resume upon my return. I know I will learn from some smart friends and colleagues over the next 4 days, and I will be mentally and physically exhausted. I will […]


I’m working on a presentation for my conference this week. It’s on building mentoring networks. Rather than the one-to-one hierarchical expert/apprentice model, I argue that building a network based on shared interests, mutual benefit, and through a series of relationships and alliances, we can change what we think of when we hear the term. mentoring. […]

Smart Girls

I just love Amy Poehler, and I was happy to see her listed in the following article. The motto of her Smart Girls campaign is just perfect: “We change the world by being ourselves, and being ourselves is a lifelong quest.” Being ourselves is certainly a lifelong quest, but one especially worthy of our efforts. […]