
As much as I love April because it is my birth month and because another academic year transitions to summer, it is also often the cruelest month as we reflect on all that still needs to be done and the short amount of time we have to do it. April is the cruellest month, breeding […]


Today is the first day of spring, and I spent most of the day inside a hotel at a conference in Indy, so I have no idea what the weather is like. While I’m pretty content year-round, and I obviously love the other seasons for what they offer, the spring is special and always has […]

Spring Break

Ahhh, Spring Break…that time in the semester where we have one week off from classes and meetings. In most years, it just means catching up on all the things. In some years, my big conference falls on that exact week, which is always sad, but this year, Spring Break is this week and then I […]

Treadmill vs. Outside

It’s warming here in Eastern North Carolina, which makes me happy so I can get off the treadmill and outside to run. I don’t mind running in the cold; it’s just easier to do the treadmill. I need to increase my mileage a bit and my speed. It’s a very different experience for me to […]

Warm Days & Snow Days

February 1 began with a thaw, rain, and by tomorrow, it’s supposed to be in the 50s. Two images encapsulate this past week where we had 3 1/2 snow days sandwiched by warm days. A friend who knows how stir-crazy I was getting sent this to me Friday morning. And it is how I felt […]