Gloria Steinem is 80

Gloria Steinem turned 80 this week. The following quotes were compiled by Shape magazine. I’ve bolded some of my favorites! 1. “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.” 2. “We are becoming the men we wanted to marry.” 3. “We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons…but few have the […]


I’ve been thinking lots about this lately, and then it popped up on my fb feed, which I saw as a sign I was to add this to the blog. I’m not quite ready to write about it yet and why I have been thinking about it. My plan is to follow-up on this post […]


I always knew I would write a blog post about how influential nuns were to my education and the person I have become. And then last week, I saw on facebook, my elementary school principal, Sister Mary de Lourdes, died at the age of 90. Sister Mary de Lordes was the founding principal of St. […]


I read a quote by MLK this morning that I don’t remember ever seeing before. I’m sure I’ve seen it, but it certainly didn’t resonant in the past the way it did with me this morning. “An Individual has not started living fully until they can rise above the narrow confines of individualistic concerns to […]