Paths & Thoughts

I came across both of these today in my fb feed; both ring so true in my own life that I just had to share. My path in life has always been filled and continues to be filled with ALL of the right people. I am so blessed and grateful! Thoughts of loveliness, I love […]

One Body

I have been working on the following post for a good while. It’s a pretty hard one because it links lots of experiences related to my body and how I’ve (mis) treated it. I went to the doctor earlier this week for a check-up. I love knowing my blood pressure and it was perfect 124/70 […]


I get this in ways I never could have imagined especially when it comes to fitness goals, writing goals, and this blog. It’s true that we do like instant gratification especially it seems when it comes to our bodies. But we know that almost all things take time. The excellent thing about 3 months is […]

Day 50: Reflection

Oh goodness, Day 50 almost came and went as I try to wrap up some things for spring break. This means that my email will slow down, meetings will cease, and I’ll have some time to catch up on my reading, writing, and others things I have been putting off for spring break. Here’s some […]

Day 45: Taking a Leap of Faith (1/2 Way Point)

Lots of things have come together for me this week, and today’s post seems like just the day to write about what I’ve been thinking and learning about. This week I have been thinking lots about fear, anxiety, and control. I have never considered myself a fearful or nervous person. I think most people who […]


Two things I think about on almost a daily basis. The passion one is hard because people don’t always understand it. But my passion for family, friends, students, and life is who I am at the core. The times in my life where I have tried to repress my passion have been some of the […]

Hot Water

I saw an image today, and it really made me laugh and think. I don’t drink lots of tea, but I have several friends who are tea connoisseurs. (For me, I’m more a Long Island Tea drinker.) They have tea parties, and I actually really enjoy drinking tea, eating scones, and other goodies. It’s quite […]

Keep Calm

I don’t always break shit, but I almost always raise hell. Keeping calm is not really in my repertoire.