Obesity News

I can’t believe it’s been a full week since I blogged. I had intended to move it to another sub-domain and just haven’t had made the time for it. And a today, I read the following 3 articles that I wanted to come back to…obesity articulated as a disease seems to raise some interesting issues, […]


This image reminded me of all of the benefits of exercise. All of the following are true for me. I was telling a friend just today that it’s a busy, stressful next couple of weeks, and I was beginning to worry about how everything would get done. Without even thinking, I said I will make […]


Sometimes I walk on my rest days, and this infographic reminded me of the benefits of walking. I really like that it can ease stress in 10 minutes. 10 minutes. Who doesn’t have 10 minutes?


I get this in ways I never could have imagined especially when it comes to fitness goals, writing goals, and this blog. It’s true that we do like instant gratification especially it seems when it comes to our bodies. But we know that almost all things take time. The excellent thing about 3 months is […]

Day 45: Taking a Leap of Faith (1/2 Way Point)

Lots of things have come together for me this week, and today’s post seems like just the day to write about what I’ve been thinking and learning about. This week I have been thinking lots about fear, anxiety, and control. I have never considered myself a fearful or nervous person. I think most people who […]

Treadmill vs. Outside

It’s warming here in Eastern North Carolina, which makes me happy so I can get off the treadmill and outside to run. I don’t mind running in the cold; it’s just easier to do the treadmill. I need to increase my mileage a bit and my speed. It’s a very different experience for me to […]

A Reminder: Stress

    The gap between beneficial stress and harmful stress is small . This image always reminds me how the transition to harmful stress  affects my health and well-being pretty drastically. One of the ways I stay idle in the optimal performance zone is through exercise.

Scary Realization

Since 2003, I have served on ECU’s Institutional Review Board as a non-scientist. These boards have to have certain types of members on the committee. Physicians, nurses, scientists, community members, and at least one non-scientist. In fact for a while, I was the only non-scientist, and if I was late, they couldn’t begin until I […]

Obesity as a Disease

Back in June, the American Medical Association delegates voted against the conclusions by their internal Council on Science and Public Health. The council concluded obesity should NOT be defined as a disease because the Body Mass Index (MBI) used to measure obesity  has issues “simplistic and flawed”. Arguments for classifying obesity as a disease included […]

Technical Gadgets

I’ve had the following image on my iphone for over two years. Every time I push the home button, I see it. If it’s one thing I’m gonna look at over and over again during the day, it’s whatever image that I choose for my lock screen. I think I’m ready to change it to […]