
I get this in ways I never could have imagined especially when it comes to fitness goals, writing goals, and this blog. It’s true that we do like instant gratification especially it seems when it comes to our bodies. But we know that almost all things take time. The excellent thing about 3 months is […]

Day 45: Taking a Leap of Faith (1/2 Way Point)

Lots of things have come together for me this week, and today’s post seems like just the day to write about what I’ve been thinking and learning about. This week I have been thinking lots about fear, anxiety, and control. I have never considered myself a fearful or nervous person. I think most people who […]

100 Books To Read In A Lifetime: Books 100 Books To Read In A Lifetime: Books. I am usually suspicious of such lists, but this one covers a variety of books and genres. Some I read growing up; some during my young adult years, and others more recently. Some excellent choices on here.

Scary Realization

Since 2003, I have served on ECU’s Institutional Review Board as a non-scientist. These boards have to have certain types of members on the committee. Physicians, nurses, scientists, community members, and at least one non-scientist. In fact for a while, I was the only non-scientist, and if I was late, they couldn’t begin until I […]

Eating Breakfast

When I began my journey to a more healthy lifestyle, I set 3 eating goals a day, and I focused on additive behaviors rather than deprivation behaviors. I needed to focus on what I was going to do, not what I wasn’t going to do. (That hadn’t worked, so I wasn’t confident it would work […]


Here are several quotes/sayings I try to come back to time and time again.

Technical Gadgets

I’ve had the following image on my iphone for over two years. Every time I push the home button, I see it. If it’s one thing I’m gonna look at over and over again during the day, it’s whatever image that I choose for my lock screen. I think I’m ready to change it to […]