I get this in ways I never could have imagined especially when it comes to fitness goals, writing goals, and this blog. It’s true that we do like instant gratification especially it seems when it comes to our bodies. But we know that almost all things take time.
The excellent thing about 3 months is that it’s enough time to see some progress, and it’s also a fairly short period of time to commit yourself to doing something. And three months is long enough for something to become a habit. But there are two traps to be aware of.
1. It’s not a great idea to plan to change all aspects of your life in 3 months. That is setting yourself up for failure. A better approach is to choose one action, activity, behavior, etc. you can do everyday or every other day for 3 months. Commit to it and only it. This may be Walk for 30 minutes. Eat breakfast. Spend one day a week writing. Write for one hour everyday. Read one book a week. It needs to be small, easily assimiliated into your life, and attainable.
2. The other trap is giving up when you miss a day or a week. But remember you’re not striving for perfection; you’re committing to progress. Progress happens (not perfection) when you’re committed. And in the end, you will look back and thank yourself.