18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently.
This article is really helpful in thinking about creativity. I have never thought of myself as creative. I mean, my younger brother is an artist. I research technical and professional writing not creative writing. And because these two fields are often positioned as binaries, it makes it seem like technical writing isn’t creative. Well, obviously, I have real problems with this, so for years I have been thinking of this term, creative, and how it gets used. This article really provided some validation for my thoughts and helped me change my perspective a bit more.
Here’s the 18 things, but I encourage you to read the whole article, which is linked above.
They daydream.
They observe everything.
They work the hours that work for them.
They take time for solitude.
They turn life’s obstacles around.
They seek out new experiences.
They “fail up.”
They ask the big questions.
They people-watch.
They take risks.
They view all of life as an opportunity for self-expression.
They follow their true passions.
They get out of their own heads.
They lose track of the time.
They surround themselves with beauty.
They constantly shake things up.
They make time for mindfulness.