International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day, and I thought I would post a couple of things related to it. I attended a panel early on Wednesday morning at ECU to hear from some colleagues on social media benefits and challenges. I was reminded that while the internet (and social media) can be used in very positive, […]


I get this in ways I never could have imagined especially when it comes to fitness goals, writing goals, and this blog. It’s true that we do like instant gratification especially it seems when it comes to our bodies. But we know that almost all things take time. The excellent thing about 3 months is […]


18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently. This article is really helpful in thinking about creativity. I have never thought of myself as creative. I mean, my younger brother is an artist. I research technical and professional writing not creative writing. And because these two fields are often positioned as binaries, it makes it seem […]

Day 50: Reflection

Oh goodness, Day 50 almost came and went as I try to wrap up some things for spring break. This means that my email will slow down, meetings will cease, and I’ll have some time to catch up on my reading, writing, and others things I have been putting off for spring break. Here’s some […]

Happy Mardi Gras!

I may need this for the New Orleans room in our new home. We’re thinking about making the sunroom a bar area with stools and stuff. I’m beginning to think of summer projects, but first spring! Cleaning up the backyard and getting a dining room table.

Happy Birthday Tara!

I have been lucky in my life to have a supportive, extremely fun group of girlfriends at various stages in my life; this is especially true as I turn 40. I couldn’t feel more grateful and blessed. I realized today on Tara’s 40th birthday that I have known her since I was 5 years old. […]


BrenĂ© Brown On Self-Criticism, Judgment And The Power Of Compassion Being vulnerable doesn’t just require courage and self-confidence. It requires self-compassion.  

Day 45: Taking a Leap of Faith (1/2 Way Point)

Lots of things have come together for me this week, and today’s post seems like just the day to write about what I’ve been thinking and learning about. This week I have been thinking lots about fear, anxiety, and control. I have never considered myself a fearful or nervous person. I think most people who […]