Lagniappe: A Little Extra

I took a hiatus from this blog back in April, but after a busy, productive summer and with the start of a new school year, I realized just how much I missed writing and how much I have to say, and blogging seems to be a way to accomplish both of these goals. The blog […]

Obesity News

I can’t believe it’s been a full week since I blogged. I had intended to move it to another sub-domain and just haven’t had made the time for it. And a today, I read the following 3 articles that I wanted to come back to…obesity articulated as a disease seems to raise some interesting issues, […]

Birthday Gratitude

People have asked if I will keep the blog after today, and the answer is yes! It will get a new name, and I won’t likely post everyday, but more on that transition later this week. I plan to use it much as I have these last 3 months in reflecting on and learning from […]

Day by Day=90 days!

A dear friend posted this over the weekend, and it reminded me how important the day to day choices and decisions we make can add up to produce amazing results in life. Day in and day out, we go through our routines, and then something happens or you have an experience where you’re reminded that […]


I addressed the graduate students on Saturday at their one-day conference, and I used this quote as a way to inspire them to transgress, take risks, and take advantage of the opportunities presented to them. “The academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created. The classroom with all its […]

Extroverts & Introverts

In case you were wondering, I’m an extrovert, and every time I look around, there’s an article about how to care for introverts or extroverts or signs you’re one or the other. The following are just two examples. An Open Letter from Introverts. 7 Things Extroverts Want You To Know The following care guides have […]

Feelings & Emotions

I find it easier to deal with things going on in my life if I can identify how I am feeling about that. I think this represents living rather than going through the motions. I have had very specific reactions to certain feelings, but I’ve learned that if I stop to think and reflect in […]

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dad’s birthday. Without a doubt, my curiosity, love of research/reading, and dependability come from him. There’s also the procrastination, but I think we’ve both gotten better with age. 😉 Happy Birthday Dad! Thanks for everything!    

Digging Deep

I’ve been dealing with a bit of frustration and disappointment over the last week or so, and as a result, my work-out routine as well as my blog writing has been inconsistent and out-of-sorts. I actually convinced myself that I didn’t actually need to work-out, which hasn’t really happened in months. Lucikly, it only lasted […]