Spring Break

Ahhh, Spring Break…that time in the semester where we have one week off from classes and meetings. In most years, it just means catching up on all the things. In some years, my big conference falls on that exact week, which is always sad, but this year, Spring Break is this week and then I head to Indianapolis next week for ATTW/CCCCs. Growing up in NOLA, we didn’t have a one-week spring break. We had 3 days off at Mardi Gras and another 3 days off at Easter. I spent several spring breaks at the beach with friends, and even celebrated my 16 birthday, when Easter fell on my birthday. The first weekend of my spring break was quite productive.

One of the things we loved about our new house when we looked at it last spring was all of the landscaping and flower beds, but it’s a lot of yard. This weekend’s weather was amazing, and our friend, Andygator, helped me tackle the front and side yards of the house on Saturday. We were attacked by several types of vines and took a small tree down with a chainsaw. I couldn’t believe the huge piles of leaves and debris we carried to the front of the yard to be picked up. We still have the backyard to conquer, and it’s a bigger mess, but I think it’s doable with some help. Once we get it cleaned, it will be a bit more manageable. I’m glad we got an early start on getting things cleaned up and out in time to enjoy the outdoors.  It’s going to be so much fun seeing the yard bright with colors over the next several months. Here are some before and after pics, and I’m so thankful to have had such great help!

Pergola with overgrown uncontrollable vine.
Pergola with overgrown uncontrollable vine.
Side of house view of pergola.
Side of house view of pergola.
Piles of debris/leaves
Piles of debris/leaves