Those who know me well know how much I love a good milestone. My 13 years of Catholic education combined with my experience of growing up in New Orleans has provided me with an appreciation for rituals, traditions, and yes, celebrations. This is one of the reasons I love graduation ceremonies, and I’m lucky because my career allows me to experience two a year. So it seems appropriate that I have been spending time thinking about the year ahead and reflecting on especially the past two years, which have been some of my best yet.
90 days from today, I turn 40. To celebrate this milestone, I’ve decided to embark on a writing project that will take the form of at least one blog entry a day for 90 days. While I hope I get some readers along the way that may be interested in what I have to say, that’s not the main purpose of the project. The main purpose is to provide a space for reflection while also documenting current goals and action and to tell some stories.
The following is a fb status I posted back on October 16, 2013:
Many of you know I’ve been on a journey of fitness & healthy living. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes back in early 2012. I was headed for diabetes and likely, some type of bariatric surgery. After 8 months of regular exercise and clean eating, my numbers started reversing last August. Today, 22 months later, I am happy to say I am no longer on that path. Woot! Woot! Normal counts all around.
It received 291 likes and 62 comments. I WAS BLOWN AWAY! The comments were so up-lifting and supportive.
Several people have emailed or messaged me over the past 2 years asking me questions about what I’ve done, so I do hope that my experience can help inspire others to be consider making changes in their own lives to become physically, mentally and emotionally fit and healthy. This is an ongoing personal and professional (more on this soon) project in my life that will continue. Some posts will likely celebrate the milestones and accomplishments of the past to inspire my current behaviors and future endeavors, and I will also write about books, mantras, and people that have inspired me as well. I imagine some posts will be long if I tell a story, and some will be short…maybe a link to a website, article, or image.
In the end, I’m excited to be celebrating this milestone and doing something creative like writing seems to be the thing to do.
Michelle, thank you for sharing so much for yourself through story, testimony, and support. You inspire me and so many others on a daily basis. (((hugz)))
I am looking forward to reading more and following you along this journey. You are always so positive and uplifting and I can’t think of anyone that doesn’t need a person like you in their life to help them to do the same. My life is always so full of stress as I am sure yours is to, but you handle it with grace and a certain persona that makes it all seem so easy. I think I have much to learn from you.
I think it is great that you take the time to reflect before and after major milestones. I thought I would dread turning 40 when it happened but I ended up so glad to embrace the changes it brought with it. Turning 40 is somewhat freeing – and I jokingly told my children – it did not mean I had reached middle age – I just hitting adulthood! I think what you have managed to do with your health is phenomenal. What an inspiration you have become.
Looking forward to reading your posts and the memories you will be sharing. You have come a long way! We are very Proud of You!
You are such an inspiration, Michelle. Rock on! You got this! 🙂
Michelle! You’ve inspired me to start writing on the blog again. Really no end to what you get us all to do. 40 though… well, I didn’t feel so old when I turned 40; but it doesn’t seem possible to me that you are already. However, 40 has been the best decade yet. It’s like I finally came into my own skin. I’m sure the same will be true of you and I’m excited you are going to write it out. Much love and thanks for a push in the right direction.