100 Books To Read In A Lifetime: Books

Amazon.com: 100 Books To Read In A Lifetime: Books. I am usually suspicious of such lists, but this one covers a variety of books and genres. Some I read growing up; some during my young adult years, and others more recently. Some excellent choices on here.


I’m just gonna leave this right here for everyone to contemplate. I have more to say, but it will have to wait until another post.

Treading Water & Creating Memories

I swam competitively as a child (until I got my driver’s license at 15), and I am pretty sure I could break records for treading water. It’s a metaphor I use often during weeks when there’s lots to accomplish and extenuating circumstances wreak havoc on “getting shit done”. But I remind myself that sometimes you […]

Facebook is 10 Years

I have been on fb from almost the very beginning. According to the movie, 8 years years. Below is my movie. It reminded me of some great moments and just how important my fb friends have supported me over the years AND especially in the last 2 years. Post by Michelle Eble.

Scary Realization

Since 2003, I have served on ECU’s Institutional Review Board as a non-scientist. These boards have to have certain types of members on the committee. Physicians, nurses, scientists, community members, and at least one non-scientist. In fact for a while, I was the only non-scientist, and if I was late, they couldn’t begin until I […]

Quarterback Princess

After the Superbowl, I was telling some friends how I always loved playing football and spent many  afternoons with my brothers and the neighborhood boys playing in one of the vacant lots. I was reminded of one of my all-time favorite movies from my childhood:  Quarterback Princess. Not  many people have heard of it even […]

Warm Days & Snow Days

February 1 began with a thaw, rain, and by tomorrow, it’s supposed to be in the 50s. Two images encapsulate this past week where we had 3 1/2 snow days sandwiched by warm days. A friend who knows how stir-crazy I was getting sent this to me Friday morning. And it is how I felt […]