Happy Mardi Gras!

I may need this for the New Orleans room in our new home. We’re thinking about making the sunroom a bar area with stools and stuff. I’m beginning to think of summer projects, but first spring! Cleaning up the backyard and getting a dining room table.


BrenĂ© Brown On Self-Criticism, Judgment And The Power Of Compassion Being vulnerable doesn’t just require courage and self-confidence. It requires self-compassion.  

A Real Favorite

I love this quote because it shows how language perpetuates thoughts, assumptions, and systematic beliefs. There’s always more we can do to draw attention to deeply imbedded assumptions.

The Present

Yesterday I got caught up in thinking too much about the future, and one of my dear friends basically called me out by posting this to my facebook wall. I’m just gonna leave it right here for us all to ponder.  


Two things I think about on almost a daily basis. The passion one is hard because people don’t always understand it. But my passion for family, friends, students, and life is who I am at the core. The times in my life where I have tried to repress my passion have been some of the […]


It’s one thing to know things intellectually about ourselves, and as an academic, I am really good about intellectualizing feelings and rationalizing things. I can persuade myself and provide analysis about my thoughts, feelings, actions. And almost everything I’ve ever put my whole mind and heart and sheer will into, I have achieved. But, there […]

Hot Water

I saw an image today, and it really made me laugh and think. I don’t drink lots of tea, but I have several friends who are tea connoisseurs. (For me, I’m more a Long Island Tea drinker.) They have tea parties, and I actually really enjoy drinking tea, eating scones, and other goodies. It’s quite […]


I’ve been thinking lots about this lately, and then it popped up on my fb feed, which I saw as a sign I was to add this to the blog. I’m not quite ready to write about it yet and why I have been thinking about it. My plan is to follow-up on this post […]

60 days to go

Today is my 31st post, and I have to admit, it’s been lots of fun to commit to writing and reflecting (almost) everyday. Making the time for it isn’t always easy, but like making the time for anything and committing to a goal. You just do it! I have learned some things about myself over […]