International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day, and I thought I would post a couple of things related to it. I attended a panel early on Wednesday morning at ECU to hear from some colleagues on social media benefits and challenges. I was reminded that while the internet (and social media) can be used in very positive, empowering ways, it can also be used to oppress, and there are still issues of access. I always like to be reminded that we have to remain critical and vigilant to things that become established ways of being in the world. Thanks to some dynamic speakers and ideas.

I am real excited about the following project by one of my friend’s former students. This is an excellent example of activist and advocacy work. She used the internet to raise money for the project in record time. Congrats Jessie!

Indiegogo Madame President campaign by Jessie Garber

And this article compiles 18 quotes from many important, influential woman.

18 Inspirational Quotes to Celebrate International Women’s Day

Here are a couple of favorites:


Myanmar Union Day